UNESCO Chair on the Cultural and Historical Psychology of Childhood

Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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Home Researchers Konokotin Andrey Vladimirovich
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Konokotin Andrey Vladimirovich 

Positions held: Lecturer at the UNESCO Chair "Cultural-Historical Psychology of Childhood", Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

Level of education: higher, FSBEI HE MSUPE (2020)

Qualification: researcher. Research teacher

Names of the direction of training and (or) specialty: psychological sciences

Academic degree: no

Academic title: no

Advanced training and (or) professional retraining: "Organizational and psychological and pedagogical foundations of inclusive higher education", 72 hours, 2020, FSBEI HE MSUPE, "First aid in educational organizations", 16 hours, 2020, LLC " Helmets "

Total work experience: 6

Work experience in the specialty: 6

Research interests: Cultural-historical psychology and the activity-based approach in education, developmental and educational psychology, special psychology. Social interactions in learning. Psychology and pedagogy of inclusive education.

Teaching subjects, courses, disciplines and sections of the modules: "Practical training on planning and conducting psychological and pedagogical research", "Introductory practice in module 1" Research and forecasting in education"(planning a master's study)", "Activity approach in the system of correctional pedagogy and rehabilitology", "Educational practice module 2 "Activity approach in the study of problems of education and social sphere", "Development category in the system of psychological and pedagogical research in education", "Industrial practice module 3 "Developing and correctional educational and social practices "(with research work)", "Research work on module 3 "Developing and correctional educational and social practices", "Industrial practice on module 4" Scientific support of developing and correctional educational practices ", "Research work on module 4 "Scientific providing developmental and correctional educational practices", "Industrial practice in module 5 "Methodological support of psychological and pedagogical activity in the system of developmental education", "Research work on module 5" Methodological support of psychological and pedagogical activity in the system of developmental education", "Psychological and pedagogical education in education and social sphere", "Industrial practice module 6 "Designing and examination of the effectiveness of programs of psychological and pedagogical support in education and the social sphere" (with research work)", “Research work on module 6" Design and examination of the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical programs support in education and social sphere" ,"Industrial practice with research work (internship)", "Pre-graduate practice with research work", "Diagnostics of development in the system of primary and basic developmental education"

Work schedule: classes according to the schedule

Phone: +7 (495) 632-94-33

E-mail:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
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