UNESCO Chair on the Cultural and Historical Psychology of Childhood

Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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Home Publications_remove Публикации по тематике КИПиДП Materials of international symposium “Scientific school of Vygotsky: traditions and innovations”

Materials of international symposium “Scientific school of Vygotsky: traditions and innovations”

We are pleased to announce the release of international symposium “Scientific school of Vygotsky: traditions and innovations” materials. The publication contains research materials of international symposium participants. The event was dedicated to the 120 th anniversary of LS Vygotsky.

Luriya Alexandr RomanovichLuriya Alexandr Romanovich
16.07.1902 - 14.08.1977
Psychologist, pioneer of Russian neuropsychology. Student of L.S. Vygotsky.
“He was a master of experiment, and believed that any psychological problem can be resolved through experiment.” E.D. Homskaya