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Tuesday, 09 June 2009 12:13 Tatiana Zubanova
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Уважаемые коллеги!
Приглашаем Вас на лекцию Мэрелин Флер (университет Монаш, Австралия)
«Значение традиций в австралийских школах в формировании деятельности и движущих мотивов детского развития» (The significance of practice traditions in schools for shaping activities and generating motives in children’s development)

Мэрелин Флер в настоящий моент является президентом Международного общества культурно-деятельностных исселедований ISCAR.

Лекция состоится 18 июня в 15.00 в зале ректората (Москва, МГППУ, Сретенка, 29, 2 этаж)

 Marilyn Fleer

The significance of practice traditions in Australian schools for shaping activities and generating motives in children’s development
Marilyn Fleer
Monash University, Australia

This presentation discusses the concept of motives in relation to a study of two children from the same family who entered the practice tradition of schooling.  In drawing upon the writings of Davydov, El’konin, Leontiev, Vygotsky, and contemporary scholars, such as Hedegaard, Jensen and Stetsenko, the concept of motives as understood within Western context, is used to show how the youngest child develops a learning motive towards curricula content, and the older child towards behaving like a school child.  The former is a productive orientation, whilst the latter results in school failure.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 09 June 2009 12:57 )